Modern GPS tracker – 4G/LTE – CANBUS – Driver recognition – Private mode

Fleet-60 – GPS Tracker for company cars

Supports 4G (LTE) and 2G (GPRS)

Modern GPS tracking device for fixed installation, supports modern mobile radio standards

CANBUS module for mixed fleets

Receive actual odometer readings, fill levels, CANBUS data from electric vehicles, cars and light commercial vehicles

Flexible telematics accessories

Plug-in cable set for RFID driver recognition, private mode, CANBUS connection

Bluetooth beacons

Supports the reception of Bluetooth beacons (small devices)

Fleet-60 GPS tracking devices

The Fleet-60 is a modern, very flexible GPS tracking device. It combines maximum accuracy, reliability and flexibility with important extensions: Engine data via integrated CANBUS module with 2 CANBUS connections, 2 additional inputs, driver recognition via 1wire or RFID and Bluetooth Low Energy .

  • Internal GPS antenna for very good GPS fix due to simultaneous GPS & Glonass signal (accuracy < 3 meters)
  • Ignition plus 2 digital inputs (e.g. for private switch, blue light insert, work signals)
  • Online sleep mode (less than approx. 20 mA at 12 volts) for long standstill times
  • CANBUS module for actual mileage and fuel level from the vehicle speedometer (available for 2000 different models): the actual exact mileage and fuel level can be tapped directly from the CANBUS and are therefore the same as the displays on the vehicle dashboard.
  • 2 outputs for driver detection buzzer and driver detection LED
  • Driver recognition via 1wire input (iButton or RFID)
  • Driver recognition via 1wire input (iButton or RFID)
  • Highly sensitive ublox GPS/Glonass module (72 channels) for fast GPS fix

Digital logbook with private mode

The introduction of telematics focused on the digital, electronic logbook. Recording the actual mileage is particularly important to us.

Thanks to the actual mileage, we are less dependent on GPS accuracy and do not have to calibrate the logbooks manually. In addition, we can largely allow employees to work in private mode because live tracking plays a subordinate role thanks to the CANBUS odometer reading.

The Fleet-60 supports almost all well-known brands such as VW, Opel, Renault, Ford and almost all light commercial vehicles such as Caddys or T6 buses. The Fleet-60 not only transmits the mileage but also the fuel level and, in the case of electric vehicles, the battery level, which is becoming increasingly important in the management of pool vehicles and when charging at home.

EVU Energy supply company, Austria

Digital logbooks

With telematics, the digital electronic logbook replaces the time-consuming process of keeping a conventional manual (paper) logbook.

Plug-in telematics cable set for driver recognition, Canbus and private switch

Self-developed wiring harness for telematics installation, which has the same cable colors as the original wiring harness.

  • Quick and easy to install
  • Many different accessories can be quickly installed and replaced using the Molex connectors
  • Only 3 cables (steady plus, earth and ignition plus) need to be connected to the vehicle
  • No problems with incorrect or time-consuming installations
  • Connection cable with Molex plug for 1wire RFID reader (100cm, 6 cables, insulated, 2 plugs) with 1wire signal, output 1 (red LED, buzzer) and output 2 (green LED, notification)
  • Connection cable with Molex plug for CAN1 and CAN2
  • Connection cable with Molex plug for private switch with red LED

Simple installation – Clear driver recognition – Easy to use

How driver recognition works in the vehicle

Frequently asked questions about data protection and GPS tracking of employees (FAQ)

Gerne senden wir Ihnen eine Muster Zustimmungserklärung auf Anfrage bzw. bekommen unsere Interessenten und Kunden bei der Einführung Zugriff auf unsere Muster für eine Betriebsvereinbarung sowie den Vertrag für die Auftragsdatenvereinbarung. Wie bei Mustern üblich, sollte die Vorlage auf Ihre konkreten Anforderungen und von Ihrem rechtlichen Vertreter auf Ihren Rechtsrahmen angepasst werden. Die Bereitstellung der Zustimmungserklärung erfolgt unverbindlich und ohne jegliche Gewähr, wir sind keine Rechtsanwälte.
Eine gute Zustimmungserklärung (oder Betriebsvereinbarung) stellt klar, zu welchem Zweck die Telematik eingeführt wird (z.B. digitales Fahrtenbuch oder Winterdienst Einsatzprotokoll), wer Zugriff auf die Daten hat (Betroffene Mitarbeiter, Fuhrparkleiter) und wie lange die Daten gespeichert werden.
  • As a provider, we do not give (binding) legal advice, but we do have experience and an informed opinion on the legal aspects of GPS tracking. For legal advice, please contact your legal advisor or your professional association (Chamber of Commerce).
  • GPS as a control technology is generally subject to approval, but not prohibited!
  • Get your works council or employees involved in the project at an early stage and argue the benefits for the company.
  • With a private switch, data protection outside working hours or during private journeys can be guaranteed in any case.
  • A digital, electronic logbook can also be created if the live GPS vehicle tracking with the map view and the current GPS position is deactivated system-wide for the entire company, even during working hours.
Data protection and GPS tracking are also very important in Germany and the use of personal data is highly sensitive. When it comes to GPS monitoring by the employer, numerous requirements must therefore be adhered to in order to avoid violating the law.

The Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG ) makes it clear that employees are monitored during GPS tracking, which generates personal information worthy of protection. Permanent monitoring, for example during private time, is not permitted.

GPS tracking is possible with the express and clearly defined consent of employees or drivers, or companies must clearly state that GPS tracking is operationally necessary. The operational necessity (e.g. logistics or proof of winter service obligations) must be clearly and strictly regulated. If you want to be on the safe side, you should still obtain the employees’ consent(source and further information).

The employer may only introduce monitoring instruments single-handedly if human dignity is not affected at all (e.g. attendance log). Measures that affect human dignity (GPS tracking) may only be introduced with the consent of the employee concerned or by the works council.
An employer from Austria introduced GPS tracking without the knowledge or verifiable consent of an employee and, according to a court ruling, also monitored the employee outside of working hours during private use.
The employer unlawfully and culpably interferes with the employee’s privacy by tracking the GPS location of the company car made available to the employee for private use without concluding a works agreement as required under Section 96 para. 1 no. 3 ArbVG or without the employee’s consent in accordance with Section 10 AVRAG.

Here you can find the original OGH court text:

Company cars are part of everyday life in many professions. Vehicles with GPS navigation systems could be monitored by the company management. Before such systems are installed, a company agreement must be concluded between the company management and the employees (or employee representatives). It must be precisely defined for what purpose the system is installed and what the data is used for. If there is no works council, the consent of the person(s) concerned is required if this affects human dignity.

There must be a company agreement

It should also be noted that the system can be deactivated during non-working hours to prevent the company from tracking employees’ private locations and routes after work or at weekends.

Source: Private use of company cars with GPS | Styrian Chamber of Labor