Standard module – Legally compliant – Often used

DIgital logbook in the vehicle fleet

Digital logbooks for the tax office

Digital logbooks for company cars recognized by the tax office…

Data protection private & professional

Digital logbook, even without GPS live tracking

Digital logbooks

With telematics, the digital electronic logbook replaces the time-consuming process of keeping a conventional manual (paper) logbook. The advantages of an electronic logbook result from the time saved, because employees in the vehicle are freed from having to write down journeys by hand and because the records are archived electronically, eliminating the manual administrative effort for old logbooks.
The electronic logbook is also much more accurate than a manual logbook in the event of problems relating to the recognition of logbooks thanks to GPS tracking, exact addresses and times.
Drivers benefit from the digital logbook because the private kilometers driven are recorded with suppressed GPS tracking and the automatic settlement of benefits in kind and allowances is simplified. For many companies, the digital logbook is an ideal addition as a digital proof of performance for employees in the field and when customers ask about working times on site.

Advantages of digital logbooks

Digital logbook

  • Automatic, immediate documentation of journeys with stops
  • Recognizable by the tax office
  • Complete documentation of all journeys (company and private)
  • Privacy protection for employees by hiding live tracking for private trips AND also possible for company trips
  • Automatic driver recognition, actual mileage
  • Automatic logbook with monthly and annual overview, non-cash benefits, etc.

Paper logbook

  • Incomplete, incomplete and not managed in a timely manner
  • Problems with recognition by the tax office
  • Inaccurate and time-consuming for the driver
  • Time-consuming for payroll accounting (non-cash benefits)
  • Archiving is time-consuming
  • Kilometers must be recorded manually in systems

Logbooks, (no) problem?!

Good employees and workers are often very bad logbook keepers. Before the introduction of the digital logbook, people often forgot to keep a logbook for days on end or always kept a complete entry for an entire day. Then someone from the office would sit and write up the logbooks afterwards as best they could. In the event of an audit, it is then always a matter of dispute whether the logbook is recognized at all.

Fleet manager in industrial companies, Upper Austria

How does the digital logbook work?

  • The electronic logbook automatically records all journeys with start and end addresses, kilometers driven and times.
  • With driver recognition, it is possible to set the duration and frequency of log-on in advance so that drivers have to log on once a day, for example.
  • Journeys made with the private switch are displayed as private journeys without an address.
  • Subsequent changes are displayed in the comment text.
  • The driver in the logbook can either be assigned via the software or smartphone app or a driver recognition system can be used in the vehicle so that drivers can log in.
  • Customer names or construction sites that have been created once for this address make the logbook even more informative.

Frequently asked questions about the electronic logbook (FAQ)

Electronic (digital) logbooks are suitable for use by the tax authorities and are recognized in normal practice. The following statements apply only to Austria and are not legally binding or a substitute for legal advice.

  • In principle, electronic logbooks are “recognizable” if the requirements (complete, timely, tamper-proof) are met. There is no certification for “recognized electronic logbooks”.
  • All data relating to the journey must be recorded promptly and continuously.
  • To prevent manipulation, a closed form of the record is required so that changes, deletions and additions are recognizable.
  • The following information is mandatory for business trips: Date, destination, customer/business partner visited or subject of the business trip
  • The examining body decides on approval during the examination, as it must ultimately be ensured that the GPS tracking device is installed professionally and that the recordings are correct.

The answer to this question depends on a number of factors. Basically, there are different legal frameworks in Austria, Germany and Switzerland and we do not offer any legal advice on this. The fact that electronic or digital logbooks are 100% tax office compliant is a simplification that is often found in advertising, i.e. a promise as well as a 100% secure investment or a 100% effective medication. It is wise not to place absolute trust in 100% statements in advertising. This is because there is no accreditation or advance information from the tax authorities as to whether a logbook will actually be recognized in a future audit or whether there is anything to criticize.

With the wage tax guidelines maintenance decree 2022, the tax office changed the previous legal opinion that special vehicles per se cannot trigger a non-cash benefit for employees. Only the journey from the place of work to the place of residence is now exempt from the obligation to pay benefits in kind, as this journey is for work-related transportation. Proof that special vehicles were only used privately for the journey from the place of residence to the place of work can only be provided by means of a complete logbook.
Which vehicles are considered special vehicles?
According to the tax office, special vehicles are vehicles which, due to their equipment, practically exclude any other private use, such as assembly vehicles with a built-in workbench or emergency vehicles (e.g. ARBÖ breakdown vehicles).
Obligation to provide evidence in practice
We recommend keeping a complete logbook with immediate effect in order to be able to prove that the vehicles were not used for other private purposes of the employees apart from the route from their place of work to their place of residence.

Free webinar:                  Fleet tax check

In the free webinar on 12.02.2025, you will learn how to keep logbooks correctly, more about the difference between private and business trips, which benefits in kind are relevant for you and more about exceptions and special regulations.

Responsive design – smartphone-optimized – faster than apps from app stores

Edit digital logbook on the PC

Odometer readings

Distances and mileages are either calculated via GPS positioning and manual calibration OR come directly from the vehicle (CANBUS or OBD data).

Driver recognition

In the case of changing drivers or pool vehicles, there are several options for registering as a driver via an RFID chip/employee card or in the vehicle.

Edit logbook

Drivers can comment on journeys (cost centers, etc.) on their smartphone or afterwards (on the PC). Changes are documented in an audit-proof manner.

Private trips

Private journeys are marked in the logbook via a private switch or smartphone or via the working hours calendar.

Privacy Policy

In addition to private journeys, live tracking can also be deactivated for company journeys, short stops are not displayed in the logbook, and a data protection release is required for details.

Further processing

Each driver automatically receives their logbook by e-mail, benefits in kind can be retrieved for payroll accounting, and onward charging via interfaces is possible.