Extension module – Documenting – Planning

Construction yard manager software for winter services and telematics

GPS tracking in winter service

Documenting winter service operations

Record scattering data

Record winter road clearance data digitally

Winter service deployment planning

Plan winter service tours digitally


Highest accuracy, reliability and flexibility with important extensions. Find out more about Fleet-40 – the telematics device for your construction yard.

Additional module – Can be used for summer and winter service – Operation logs and monitoring

Building yard manager software module in live use

GPS tracking in winter service

GPS tracking devices record the routes taken by the gritting vehicles. Site managers can display and document the lanes.

Spreading data application

The winter service spreader data (spreader ON/OFF, spread rates, brine/salt) is documented with the GPS lane.

RED-GREEN comparison

Completed winter maintenance tours and work sections are GREEN displayed. Areas that have not yet been visited or gritted are RED.

Im Bauhof-Manager werden erledigte Touren GRÜN dargestellt, noch nicht erledigte Bereiche ROT

Gritting data acquisition with RS232

Winter service gritting data from a wide range of manufacturers can be recorded and evaluated in the depot manager.

  • Winter service telematics supports almost all known manufacturers of spreaders and control panels. Spreading data protocols in accordance with the winter service standard/municipal machine standard EN-CEN15430 are just as possible as manufacturer protocols (e.g. RAUCH, AL-Prot, Bucher, Hydrac, etc.).
  • RS232 spreading data acquisition is cheaper than the manufacturer’s systems and you are not tied to one manufacturer.
  • The spreading data is recorded with telematics via RS232 with spreading quantities in g/m², spreading width, brine content and total spreading quantity and combined with GPS positioning.
  • Special RS232 cable sets have been developed for the RS232 connection of the winter service telematics to the spreader control panel.

Operation report with spreading data

With modern winter service spreaders in particular, it is not easy to determine the routes that have actually been spread using sensors. This is why depot managers need the RS232 connection to the control panel of the spreader so that the spreading data can be transmitted.

  • The parameters actually set, such as spreading width, spreading quantity and material spread (salt and brine), are transmitted online and documented in the operating times report.
  • By linking the recorded spreading data with the GPS time, the spreading data is more accurate than when using the set system time of the spreaders.
  • The spread rates recorded by GPS are automatically totaled in spread reports and can be sent by e-mail or commented on or printed out using the smartphone app.

Especially when it comes to liability issues, we have to prove that we have carried out our work to the best of our knowledge and belief. Hospitals are obliged to report accidents to the authorities. This naturally raises the question of whether the winter road clearance at the scene of the accident was carried out properly beforehand. With the help of GPS data, we can precisely track the routes of every vehicle on any given day.

Site manager Jürgen Dobernig, Municipality of Wolfsberg

Compatible spreader manufacturers

The GPS Fleet software can record and transfer spreading data documentation and spreading data logs from various spreader manufacturers. If you as a manufacturer are not yet on this list, please contact us and we will implement your spreaders in our GPS Fleet software. We would like to point out that in individual cases the spreading data connection may not be technically possible despite being listed.

Additional module – digital practical route planning with images and road sections

Tour planning video

Advantages of DIgital route planning in winter service

  • Online planning in the GPS Fleet Software
  • Insert photos and images of the street or work area
  • Draw road sections on the GPS map
  • Execution of the tour is automatically documented
  • Tours can be printed out as a PDF or in paper form or handed over to the driver online
  • The driver can follow the route of the tour template using GPS navigation


Feedback from experienced winter service managers was taken into account when planning the winter service routes.

Site managers can draw routes and important areas on the map and add images, work instructions, detailed photos and map sections. This creates a digital work preparation that describes your winter service tours (but also for summer service or manual waste collection tours). The tour preparation can be easily planned and modified online and then printed out or sent to the employee in paper form.

Tour plan for the driver on the road

The winter service driver receives a clear route plan in the usual paper form so that he can take his time to look at the route and the areas to be cleared. We think that the drivers of a winter service vehicle are already sufficiently challenged when they are on the road and are highly concentrated on carrying out the winter service, sometimes with centimeter precision. Any additional distraction (navigation device, smartphone app, …) while driving is useless for most drivers on the road, because they know their route and should really concentrate on what is happening on the road. The conventional tour plan on paper is intended for breaks and preparation.

If you still need a GPS navigation system, you can also follow the lane with a GPS navigation app on your smartphone.