Standard module – Flexible – important in operation
Alerting via GPS telematics
Alarms for construction machinery, vehicles, mobile objects
Versatile in use
Alarms on the smartphone
received by SMS, call, e-mail

Theft alarm
Your own vehicles and construction machinery should be optimally protected. The theft of construction machinery, trailers or small equipment is costly and recovery is expensive and time-consuming. For many users, GPS alarming as theft protection is therefore a very important function in the GPS Fleet software . Dabei lösen Telematikdaten von Fahrzeugen oder Baumaschinen Alarme aus, die an die Software-Verwender per Mail, SMS oder Anruf auch auf das Smartphone zugestellt werden können.
On many construction sites, construction machinery and small appliances are left unattended and are often unprotected at long weekends. Safe fencing for insurance purposes is impossible for many construction projects and it can sometimes be chaotic when construction equipment is moved from one construction site to another:
- Construction machinery is left unsecured on construction sites for long periods of time and should NOT be left without an alarm being sounded.
- Many companies work on large construction sites and small appliances, construction equipment or expensive add-on parts can easily disappear.
- Sometimes expensive equipment is left behind when leaving the construction site.
- Even the GPS systems of construction machinery manufacturers are not error-free; it can happen that these devices are removed, in which case an independent telematics device is very useful for monitoring in the event of theft.