Rechtliche Fallen für Fuhrparkleiter

As managing director/fleet manager, you are personally liable/punishable if employees drive a company vehicle without a driver’s license (no driver’s permit) or if the vehicle does not comply with the specifications. Imagine that a mistake in the fleet could mean your personal liability. Do you know how you can protect yourself against such risks?

This is what you can expect in the webinar recording:
  • Personal liability for managing directors and fleet managers

  • Duties Maintenance and servicing of vehicles

  • Winter tire obligation and legal consequences

  • Active fare dodgers in the company

  • Digital driver’s license check

  • Principles for an effective control system

ABOUT GPS.AT (Software-Management GmbH) is your reliable partner for digital fleet management. Since our foundation in 2004, we have developed into a leading provider of software, telematics and data solutions. Our goal is to support companies as well as cities and municipalities in efficiently digitizing and managing their fleets, vehicles, machines, mobile objects and small devices.

Tax check in the vehicle fleetTax check in the vehicle fleet