GPS.at takes over t-matix IoT platform
Insolvency proceedings were opened over the assets of t-matix solutions GmbH on 22.10.21.
The assets (software, source code, trademark rights…) of t-matix were transferred to Software-Management GmbH by the insolvency administrator on November 11, 2021.
This ensures the continued operation of the t-matix IoT platform and products.
GPS.at takes over the support of t-matix customers, partners, products and solutions. The t-matix brand will continue to exist under the management of GPS.at. Under the new management, t-matix will continue on its successful path of focusing primarily on the construction industry and OEM target group.
Subsequently, customers and partners will be informed individually about the new situation in meetings and discuss how the joint path to a successful and innovative future can be continued and strengthened together.